
General treatment:
 Consultation (15-30 min) 50 €
Treatment plan to patient 60 €
Panoramic X-ray 25 €
3-D x-ray 65 €
Dental x-ray 10 €
Injection anesthethic 10 €
Topic anesthetic 5 €
Optragate eristys, Isolation 9 €
Tooth jewellery ( jewellerys price not included) 35 €
Pophylaxy/Periodontal treatment:
Check-up and cleaning 45 €
Deep cleaning 80 €
Descaling, easy 45 €
Medium 75 €
Complicated(2-4 visits with  evaluation) 150-260€
Teeth bleaching:
Bleaching at dental office 90 min 230 €
Teeth bleaching set for home 120 €
Individual trays for teeth bleaching at home 175 €
Bleaching gel refill 20 €
Dental fillings:
Composite fillings 50-110 €
Glass-ionomer filling 50-65 €
Temporary filling 25 €
Rootcanal treatment:
One canal treatment 55 €
Next rootcanal on same tooth 32 €
Treatment visit 37 €
One rootcanal filling 45 €
Next canal filling, same tooth 30 €
Perforation closing 28 €