
and adults

care of
your health!

A dentistry clinic that offers a full service package
Everything for your teeth
EURODENT HAMBARAVI OÜ has been operating under the PRIMADENT brand as of August 2018.
Patients are served on the same bases as previously. All former and future clients are welcome!
What kind of services does Primadent Dental Care offer?
Experienced professionals
Dental care for the entire family

What do we offer?
- Consultations, prevention, teeth whitening (chemical and light-accelerated)
- General dentistry (fillings, root canal treatment)
- Treatment of gum disease i.e. periodontitis (calculus and dental plaque removal)
- Prosthetics (removable and fixed prosthetic solutions)
- Surgery (removal of teeth, treatment of oral mucosal diseases)
- Orthodontics (external and fixed apparatus, myofunctional aligners, braces)
- Children’s dental care
- X-ray examinations
Clients about us
Experience since 1997
“Ongelmani on ollut hampaiden voimakas kuluminen, ja viisissäkymmenissä olin siinä tilanteessa, että iso remontti oli välttämätön. Gerli Eller-Partasjuk suunnitteli ja toteutti sen ammattitaidolla ja luotettavasti. Siitä lähtien olen aina kääntynyt hänen puoleensa, kun olen tarvinnut hampaiden hoidossa asiantuntijan apua.”

“Меня зовут Наталья, я работаю в индустрии красоты, и красивая улыбка для меня очень важна! Я долго решалась поставить брекеты и тщательно выбирала врача,в итоге я выбрала Gerli Eller-Partasjuk и осталась очень довольна! Она очень внимательный и вежливый доктор, который дарит людям красивую улыбку 🙂 Обращайтесь, и вы не пожалеете!”

“Dr. Gerli on arst kelle kätesse võib end absoluutselt igaüks südamerahus usaldada. Ta on arst, kes lisaks oma professionaalsele tööle ja individuaalsele lähenemisele, suudab ka aidata patsiendil hambaarsti ning hambaravi kartusest üle saada.”

“Dr. Eller on hoolitsenud meie pere hammaste eest pea 20 aastat. Lisaks tavapärastele protseduuridele on teismeline saanud tänu temale hambumuse korda, tehtud on keerukaid ja vähem keerukaid protseduure täiskasvanutel ja lastel. Dr. Eller on mõnusa suhtlusstiiliga ja kindla käega suurepärane arst.”

“I was thinking of fixing my teeth for a long time, but I didn`t have courage to start the treatment process. Dr. Gerli explained me clearly the whole process and gave me an exact time frame. Her confidence gave me courage to start with the treatment. Each visit she kept explaining me the developments and further steps. It has been nearly a year from my treatment and I am very happy for my new smile.”

Direct examination and thorough communication with the patient allow us to find the best solution for their oral health!
In the event of complex treatment cases, we discuss the treatment plan together and collaborate closely with various specialists. Teamwork leads to success!